Welcome to the Coast District Management Association.

The Coast District Management Association (CDMA) is the officially recognized organization representing about 120 managers in the Coast Community College District. The CDMA is dedicated to advocating for all managers in the District, through the following methods:

Meet and Confer

Discuss critical issues identified by managers with the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources.


Maintain connections with colleagues throughout the District.

Continuing Education

Distribute financial support for tuition and other educational costs associated with pursuing degrees and/or certificates.

Professional Development

Distribute financial support for professional events and conferences that expand managers' knowledge, skills, and abilities.


Provide districtwide training opportunities for managers.


Recognize managers yearly for their excellence and leadership.

Click here to download a membership form and join CDMA today!


Professional Development

Management Professional and Staff Development

The Board of Trustees of the Coast Community College District has established the Management Professional and Staff Development Program to provide an opportunity for all district managers to expand their knowledge and increase their skills within their established career fields.

The support of the Management Professional and Staff Development Program provides positive individual professional development and contributes to achieving the mission of the District.

Association Resources

About Us

CDMA was established in 1984 to promote the welfare of its membership and the District. Since its inception, CDMA has expanded its services to managers to include advocacy, professional development opportunities, continuing education, meet and confer, networking, and awards and recognition. CDMA's concurrent primary objective is to ensure representation in the District's governance bodies.

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Controlling document of the association, formalizing its purpose, membership, organizational structure, finances, and elections. The constitution was most recently amended in October 2020.

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Board Members

This listing represents those who have donated their time and efforts to the CDMA. We appreciate the dedication and service of every volunteer who has accepted this responsibility.

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Managers of the Year

Each year the CDMA selects a manager from each campus to be recognized as "Manager of the Year." Managers are selected by their peers for outstanding performance and leadership.

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President's Message

Welcome message and plans for the upcoming year.

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Agendas and Minutes

Coming soon!