(revised October 2020)


Article I – Name

The name of this organization shall be the Coast District Management Association (Association).


Article II – Purpose

The purpose of the Association shall be as follows:
A. Advocate and promote the professional welfare of the membership;
B. Provide a vehicle for consultation with the District Governing Board on significant issues and promote the welfare of the district;
C. Foster the development of comprehensive educational, career, and life opportunities;
D. Provide information, assistance, and support for all managers in the Coast Community College District;
E. Encourage and support peer networking and professional development opportunities for the advancement of all managers in the Association;
F. Collect and disseminate data and research relating to significant issues, including manager’s professional development;
G. Support the goals and objectives of the American Association of Community College Administrators and Association of California Community College Administrators;
H. Promote the principles of equity, inclusion, and social justice across all identities represented among our diverse community and examine and critique our ways of working to increase representation and implement and model equitable policies and practices.


Article III – Membership

Section 1
Membership in the Association shall be available to all Coast Community College District managers. Membership shall be established and maintained by payment of annual dues.

Section 2
Membership in the Association shall be available at no cost to all retired managers. Retirees shall be non-voting members and shall not serve as officers of the Association.

Section 3
The Executive Board is authorized to collect dues to pursue the purpose of the Association.

Section 4
The amount of the dues shall be determined by the Executive Board and ratified by vote of the membership.


Article IV – Executive Board

Section 1 – Officers
Officers of the Association, referred to as the Executive Board, shall be: President, Past President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected by the membership at large annually and shall resume their role July 1. The Vice President shall automatically progress to the President and Past President the succeeding years provided they remain a member in good standing in the Association.

Section 2 – Unit Representatives
The unit representatives shall be: two from each college in the District, and two from the District Office including Data Services. They shall be elected by their respective constituencies for a two-year term.

Section 3 – Additional Representatives
The additional representatives shall be: a management member of the Chancellor’s Cabinet appointed by the Chancellor.

Section 4 – Term of Office
A. All terms of office are defined as one year, except for the unit representatives.
B. Treasurer and Secretary may be elected to serve no more than two consecutive full terms.
C. Any elected official may serve no more than ten consecutive years as an Executive Board member, or with approval by the Executive Board to continue in service as needed.
D. The President shall not serve more than one full term as President, or with approval by the Executive Board to continue in service as needed.

Section 5 – Officer Standing
Officers and unit representatives must remain in good standing. Good standing includes:
A. Must remain a designated administrator or manager by the District;
B. Must remain a member of the Association through continued payment of annual dues;
C. Any officer or unit representative no longer in good standing shall engage in a discussion with the President to review their ability to continue with their responsibilities in the Association.

Section 6 – Start of Elected Term
Members of the Executive Board shall assume office on July 1.

Section 7 – Board Authority
The Executive Board shall be vested with full authority and responsibility for the executive and business administration of all Association affairs.

Section 8 – Meetings of the Executive Board
The Executive Board shall hold such meetings monthly and/or as the President deems necessary. Fifty percent (50%) of the active Executive Board shall constitute a quorum necessary to conduct official business.

Section 9 – Duties and Responsibilities
Officers and unit representatives are expected to follow and execute specific duties and responsibilities as outlined in their respective job descriptions and shall make every effort to comply with requests for response to communications and attend all official meetings and events. Two consecutive unexcused absences, continued failure to respond to communications, and/or failure to fulfill the duties and responsibilities in the job description shall impact good standing.

Section 10 – Board Ethics
The Executive Board will conduct organizational business according to high professional standards.

Section 11 – Cooperating with other organizations
The Executive Board shall have authority to cooperate with other organizations in promoting the interests and purpose of the Association.

Section 12 – Establishing Committees
The Executive Board may establish such committees as it deems necessary to accomplish the purpose of the Association.


Article V – Meetings

Section 1 – Meeting Time and Location
The time and location of Association meetings shall be determined by the President, in consultation with the Executive Board as appropriate. As available, meetings shall be scheduled for the fiscal year. In the event that the President has not determined a time or location for Association meetings, the Vice President, in consultation with the Executive Board, shall perform this duty

Section 2 – Annual Business Meetings
Two annual meetings of general membership shall be scheduled per academic year. Annual meetings must be announced promptly to all members, no later than one calendar month preceding the date of the meeting.

A special meeting of the general membership shall be called by the President within thirty (30) days of receipt of a petition signed by at least ten percent (10%) of the membership.


Article VI – Finances

Section 1 – Fiscal Year
The fiscal year shall be July 1 to June 30.

Section 2 – Budget
The annual budget of the Association shall be determined and approved by the Board.

Section 3 – Use of Income and Assets
All assets and income collected from membership fees shall be used only for the purposes of the Association, including professional development and education advance requests, annual meetings, end of year celebrations, and other meetings and events determined by the Executive Board.

No part of assets and income collected from membership fees shall be distributed to its members or the Executive Board and shall not be used for the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.

The Treasurer shall ensure that appropriate financial records are kept, including: (a) a current roster of members and (b) current account balance.


Article VII – Elections

Section 1
Elections shall be conducted by May 1st of each year. The candidate receiving the majority vote shall be elected. In the event of a tie for the highest number of votes, there shall be a run-off election between those candidates receiving the highest number of votes.

Section 2
Unit representatives who have completed the second year of the elected term, shall not be re-elected as a unit representative for two (2) years.


Article VIII – Amendments to the Constitution

A. Proposed amendments to the Constitution may be submitted in writing to the Executive Board by any member.
B. All proposed amendments must be approved by a majority of the Executive Board, prior to being submitted to the general membership vote.
C. The Constitution shall be amended or rescinded by email/electronic ballots disseminated through the best technology available at the time authorized by the Executive Board and per the Bylaws.
D. A simple majority of affirmative response of those voting, disseminated by ballot or through the best technology available at the time, is necessary to effect a change.